Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Night photo of a city building covered in a brightly painted, random pattern.

For more than 80 years, the Urban Land Institute (ULI) has been helping shape land-use decisions to improve the built environment of our communities. In a new report—Creative Placemaking: Recommendations from and Impact of Six Advisory Services Panels—ULI uses six case studies to demonstrate how creative placemaking can spark a cultural rebirth in real estate projects, revitalize communities, and boost returns on investment for developers. In addition to making the business case and process for bringing art and culture to the early design process of a real estate development projects, it also provides best practices about how to plan, finance, implement, and manage projects.

Americans for the Arts is proud to have been a resource in the development of this report. Through our ongoing engagement with report author Juanita Hardy, Americans for the Arts research was used in supporting the role of arts and culture in real estate development practices.

Hardy, a strong proponent of creative placemaking and community engagement, said about the report: “The ULI case studies in our report are models for how creative placemaking can revitalize and transform diverse communities. In urban areas that are changing due to gentrification, it’s an invaluable tool for preserving history and culture. In communities threatened by environmental change, it inspires creative solutions that promote resilience.”

Hardy continued in support of artists in real estate development, “Artists bring fresh approaches to problem solving. They are creators, innovators, people connectors, and more. Engaging artists early in the design process can be crucial for solving difficult land use challenges.”

Americans for the Arts is excited to share the report with the field and encourage engaging the arts as part of land use development. More information and a free copy of the report can be found on the Urban Land Institute website.

Pictured: “The Fair-Haired Dumbbell” by artist James Jean, photo by KuDa Photography.