Monday, October 5, 2020

While COVID-19 has shut down many theatres across the country, the arts continue to thrive in new and innovative ways. Orlando Repertory Theatre (Orlando REP) teamed up with production company Imag(e) in a (na)tion to professionally film and produce a fully-staged production of Eric Coble’s play Vote? The production was created specifically for online streaming with the purpose of providing an exciting and engaging theatrical experience.

The 60-minute production streams through BroadwayOnDemand from October 5 to November 8, 2020. 

In Vote?, 18-year-old Nicole has registered to vote but has no intention of casting a ballot – why bother? Sliding through time and pivotal historical events, standing beside women, Black Americans, and young people all demanding their rights, Nicole discovers just how many shoulders we are standing on every time we step into a voting booth and to not casually dismiss this most American of rights.

Photo of Savannah Rucks, Dayla Carroll, and Stephanie Trull in ‘Vote?’ by McKenzie Lakey. 

Source Name: 
Orlando Repertory Theatre